Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something New

I have created a new blog... so check it out! Although, you should give me a little time to add a few posts, pictures, etc.

New Blog: Carolina Mom Creations

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Welcome To Our World!

McPhearson Grey Bailey. Born September 18, 2010. 7 lbs, 20.5 inches long! Welcome to our world beautiful baby girl!

Friday morning I went to see my OB/GYN doc because I was 4 days overdue and we needed to check and see how things were progressing with baby M. When the nurse weighed me in at a whopping 140 pounds (total gain of 30!) I told her the previous week my doc had mentioned we may have to induce and that McPhearson could possibly be getting an eviction notice. Then she took my blood pressure and did a urinalysis test and said she thought baby M would be getting the eviction notice right then and there. My doc came and said yep, gonna send you over to labor and delivery. Reality set in and my eyes probably grew as wide as the ocean! Then, waves of excitement (and a little bit of fear, not gonna lie) came crashing over me. I called Matt at work and told him I was coming to get him because it was time... and I teared up a little. Then I called my mom. She said she was leaving work and would meet us at the hospital. Picked up the hubby. Went home to grab the hospital bag, etc. And off we went. Excited. Nervous. Scared. Laughing. Shed a few tears too.

We arrived at the hospital around noon and checked in/registered. Matt was a bundle of nerves, as well was I. Then we were escorted to our labor/delivery room. Room Number Ten. Perfect ten for a perfect baby and delivery! Mom showed up. She felt bad for bringing lunch with her, especially since I hadn't had lunch and was then not allowed to eat anything at all. It didn't phase me. Nurses came in and it took them 3 tries to get my IV hooked up. Ouch! Drew blood for tests. Ouch. Hooked up the fetal monitor, etc to my belly. We were all set and ready to go.

The doc came in at 2:00 pm and broke my water. It was time to get things moving. Goosh! Totally gross! I eventually started feeling the contractions. My pain level reached 6-7/10 when I finally asked for the epidural. This was around 6:00 pm. Good thing I asked because the anesthesiologist was about to go into surgery and wouldn't have been available for a while. I couldn't imagine having to tolerate more than what I was feeling. Let me just say that the anesthesiologist was my new best friend. That epidural took the edge completely off! Thanks big E... I am forever in your debt.

Around 2:00 am I started feeling the contractions again, so my new best friend came back in and hooked me up, again knocked the edge off. My right leg was completely numb. I would ask Matt to squeeze my toes from time to time just so I could feel something... left side never went completely numb. And that's the side I could feel the contractions on.

At 4:00 am the doc came in to take a look at things (he'd already done this several times previously). He and the nurse wanted me to try a couple of practice pushes because I was finally fully dilated! When I pushed, baby M crowned. He said he was going to go get his team ready and he'd be right back! I couldn't believe it was finally time... and again I got a little scared.

I am amazed at how easy the delivery was! I pushed a set of 3, then a set of 2 and another set of 2, and a final set of three and baby M was pulled up right before my very eyes. I couldn't believe how big she was... I thought she'd be teeny-tiny! I started laughing and crying at the same time. McPhearson was (and is) the most beautiful little thing I've ever seen, and I couldn't believe Matt and I made her! She took my breath away. I thought I'd be trying to push her out for 15 to 20 minutes, but it only took maybe five! Again, love the big E! I could sense the pressure of her little body... but felt no pain. I also thought I would feel her head and then her shoulders, etc as she made her way into this world, but again, I didn't feel any of that.

She was weighed. She was measured. And when all was said and done, she added up. They placed her in my arms, skin-to-skin, and I instantly fell in love. I knew her. And now I could actually see her for the very first time.

Well, that's it for tonight. Will post more later. Just glad to say my baby girl is finally here. Matt and I are two of the happiest parents in the whole wide world! Now I just need to post some pics...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

40 Weeks And 1 Day

Hello all!

Yesterday was our due date, and as you can see we are now one day past due and still no baby. I think Baby B is taking after me... she's taking her sweet time getting here. And that's okay with me. I'm not uncomfortable at all, and I just want her to be as healthy as can be. The doc did say they don't typically let pregnancies go past 41 weeks, so if she doesn't decide to get a move on she may end up getting a little push from him. So looking forward for what is to come within the next few weeks! I can't wait to start to get to know our little one! What an adventure we are going to have!

This has been a short post from Ticking-Time-Bomb. Stay tuned for more updates on Baby B making her entrance into this world! Yay!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

39 Weeks

Baby B is preparing to meet us soon! 6 days and counting to reach her due date (give or take a few!) September 13th is right around the corner. WOW!

At 39 weeks pregnant she is still building a layer of fat to help regulate her body temperature when she ventures out into the world. Also, Baby B's skin is sloughing off as new layers of skin develop underneath the old layers.

I feel like a ticking time bomb and wonder when I'm gonna pop? Still have a few last minute things to do to get ready for her arrival, so I won't be terribly disappointed if she takes her time getting here. At the same time, I can't wait to meet her! I can't wait to look into her eyes... admire her chubby cheeks and button nose! And I can't wait for her to grab my fingers and hold on! What an adventure we are about to have! Love you kiddo! Looking forward to holding you in my arms!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

37 Weeks

Hi all! Sorry I have been out of touch for so long. It's been tough living out of a suitcase and not having internet access from the home computer.

Well, we are now at the 37 week mark... 2 weeks and 5 days to go! Approximately. I cannot believe our little girl will be here so soon. 9 months felt like forever in the beginning and now her arrival is right around the corner! Doc says everything looks good. Not expecting anything major to happen just yet. All is well, just gives me more time to finish unpacking boxes and getting the baby room/rest of the house organized before she makes her debut! Had a couple of baby showers recently. Need to get pics posted... and of course when our little one enters this world, we will have many more pics for you to see!

Cooked an amazing dinner tonight! Honey-Rosemary Stuffed Pork Chops. Check out the recipe on MyRecipe.Com. All I can say is WOW!

It's late and I'm pooped. Postings will probably continue to be short for the next month or so until I get used to life with baby... and finish getting my house in order. Thanks for your patience!

Good night all!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Still Here...

Hi everyone! Sorry we haven't posted in a while. Moving from one coast to another and not having computer access has been a little hectic. Still not quite out of the woods yet in that department. Have a week and a half to go before we get our furniture (and beloved computer back up and running). So stay with us. Once we get unpacked and settled, I'll be sure to give you a good update. (Did manage to find a computer and a few spare minutes to post this message... definitely more to follow at a later date!)

Monday, June 28, 2010

29 Weeks

29 weeks preggo! Baby should now weigh around 2.5 pounds and measure 15 inches in length. Major developments... baby' head is growing bigger to accomidate for growing brain. It' great that baby' head is growing, I just don't want to have to think about it leaving my body! Baby is getting more active and muscles are getting stronger. It's very important that I make sure I'm getting all the nutrients needed for baby's ever growing process.

In other news, the movers came and packed up our house on Friday. Everything is in boxes and we are currently living out of suitcases. Agh! Movers come back tomorrow to load up the truck. Thursday morning we hope to be getting on the road.

Well, I am texting all of this on Matt's tiny little cell phone (as the computer has been packed) and it' rather annoying, so that's all for now!